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This isn't about me...


From the Concrete Jungle...

For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived with this weight

This pressure to succeed, achieve, and do great

But when I was just a child, I didn’t know what that meant

So I looked outward for guidance, and down society’s path I went


High school valedictorian to Ivy League grad

I thought a great career would fulfill the things I never had

I guess that’s what happens when you grow up poor

You’re conditioned to believe the answer lies in getting more


So I went down the path that would get me the most

I started chasing a paycheck, thinking that was the goal

But somewhere down the road from rags to riches

I woke up to the fact that this cycle is quite vicious


No matter how much I earned, my happiness was fleeting

On the outside I looked fulfilled, but my soul was taking a beating


...To the Actual Jungle

So I let go of the life that I worked so hard to get

Because the material things weren’t worth what they made me forget


Like we are human beings, not doings, and we need more space to be

And if you stay within your comfort zone, you’ll never see all there is to see

Like the model society imposes doesn’t have to be what you pursue

Because what’s best for me, may not be best for you, or you, or you


Like happiness is a choice that has to come from within

And if you don’t get to know yourself, you’ll never be all you could’ve been

Like life is meant to be lived, and we are meant to be Love

And if we awaken to our inner power, then we can create the life we dream of


This Awakening is what brought me from the concrete jungle to the real one

The greatest teacher is nature, and the greatest healer is the sun

The city that never sleeps is a great place to come from

But if you never sleep, you never dream

And a life without dreams is a meaningless one

flower-of-life-1601160_960_720.png's about we.

I used to be on a mission to save the world.

Now I realize that the real mission is to save yourself,

and hope that along the way,

you inspire some others to do the same.

I appreciate you

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